Orchestrating home efficiency
Orchestrating home efficiency means transforming complex energy upgrades into seamless, connected experiences. Onsemble ensures that every aspect—from rebate management to contractor coordination—moves in harmony, empowering homeowners to switch from fossil fuels to electric with ease.
We brought this vision to life through an integrated brand system that reflects fluidity and precision. Every interaction, from visual design to user flows, mirrors the platform’s purpose: simplifying sustainable living. Onsemble turns every upgrade into a coordinated, strategic move toward decarbonization.

The work Central Office has done in helping us shape our identity from the ground up was critical to building the company's ethos across every touchpoint -- it encompassed our philosophy that home efficiency can be easy, accessible, and aspirational. Working with The Central Office team brought our brand promise to life in a way that continues to shape the company to this day. — Onsemble, Chief of Staff

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Bethany Ng
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